Dark ArmyGlory HonorH A S H I R A SAmigos Do PoohzinhoDominance WhiteLoS PreSSauMP U N ETartarusR E N E G A D O S
Regras - Rules
*   Introduction

Welcome to the game!

It is important to highlight that is fruit of a independent society, with free and non-profit utilization.
Our aim is to spread the anime and manga to all the people, respecting the autor's copyrights and trademarks.
All images, logos and names referring to the anime belong to the brand owners.
Nobody is forced to play If you do not agree to these rules, do not play and do not donate.
The rules exist for a better organization of the game and so there will be mutual respect among the players.

*   Considerations and general rules:

The team, gamemasters, tutors and contributors will try in every way to organize the game, but it is impossible to control all messages, problems, etc.
  • We do not ensure the system functionality nor that there will not be losses for the player. Every time you notice a instability in the system, keep your items in a safe place so there will not be irrecoverable losses.
  • The game rules may be modified without notice, you must check them whenever possible. 
  • Always use a "strong" password (with letters, points and random interleaved numbers) and also use a good anti-virus. The team does everything possible to avoid and suspends the suspicious accounts, but "Hack" cases are not ensured by the team in any case.
  •, for safety reasons, registers the players IPs, logs and talk commands (all typed buttons will be registered).
  • The accounts and logs will be property.
  • Depending on the rule violation weight or when some fact are considered a crime by the Penal Code the account may be definitely suspended.
  • For support contact the email "", always send the CHARACTER name.
  • In case of system crash or excessive lags caused by attacks to the network/servers, unfortunately it is not possible to recover the CATCHES and/or items you may lose because the system logs will also be lost.
  • After the second grave punition (bot caused banishment, offense or bug abuse), the account may be immediately deleted.
  • When identified a bot or similar software usage the account may be immediately deleted.

In case you find any problem or have any doubts, look for a tutor, gamemaster or the game administration by sending an email to

* game applied terms and rules.

Please read carefully all following topics because you may receive unnecessary punitions for not knowing the rules. To keep the order in the game, you must follow the following specific orders listed below. However, we ask that above any rule, use the best judgement when playing the game. We will try to professionally solve the problems, but we will not always be able to please everyone. Therefore, the reading and compliance of the norms below are of great importance.

Chapter 1
General behave.        
(General rules that imply on in-game actions)

Art. 1.a. Only constructive criticism will be allowed, destructive criticism may result in banishment from the game. Unsportsmanlike actions to disturb another player may be punished (e.g.: to dirty a house). It is also a banishment reason to disturb another player in any way.
Destructive Behavior

Art. 1.b. Offending staff members is not permitted, such as calumny and defamation, no matter who it refers to, may result in game banishment. Report this king of infraction by opening a report, if it is confirmed, the player will be punished. It is also considered calumny a player who reports another  for something he did not do.
Offensive Statement

Art. 1.c. Personal arguments must happen in private message, it is not allowed to argue on the public chats, it may result in game banishment.
Offensive Statement/Destructive Behavior

Art. 1.d. Players are not allowed to pretend to have influence over Tutors, Gamemasters or staff members since they do not have this authority, it may result in game banishment.

Art. 1.e. It is not allowed to argue among decisions taken by the staff in public, if you want to complain about some action taken by a staff member or Tutor or a Gamemaster, you must do it via email.
Destructive Behavior/Contempt Authority

Art. 1.f. Players who defamethe game or it's creators, idealizers, contributors, players, etc. in other services such as Forums, Blogs, personal pages, among others, when identified may be punished.
Offensive Statement

Art. 1.g. Players who create characters with similar name to Tutors, Gamemasters and staff members will be banished, it is considered Ideology Fraud and is a crime.

Art. 1.h. Abusing on game weakness such as bugs is considered illegal, if you find any bug inform it immediately to a Gamemaster by opening a report (CTRL + R). The player who takes advantage of such bugs will be punished and if someone knows about this abuse and keep it in secret may be banished as well.
Game Weakness Abuse/Bug Abuse

Art. 1.i. To sell, trade, buy to some other player, using the game as a selling mean is not allowed, such as commerce from this game to another game and sales, trades and buys of game items for real money. The player who break this rules will be punished when identified.
Illegal Trade

Art. 1.j. The use of illegal softwares, in other words, that are not official and provided by the game is not allowed, it may result in permanent game banishment.
Illegal Software

Art. 1.k. It is forbidden to try to or to steal other player's account, be it by asking the account and password, sending fake links or any other attempt to get the player's account information. It results in definitive banishment and suspension of the account.
Hacking/Unauthorized Link

Art. 1.l. Preventing a player's passage, preventing him from accessing the desired place is considered illegal and may resul in game banishment.

Art. 1.m. It is forbidden to open destructive reports that are not to inform a player's infraction or bug. Other kinds of report may be considered False Report or Destructive Report and may result in game banishment.
False Report/Destructive Report

Art. 1.n. Players who attempt to have influence over the Gamemaster's place, saying that is his friend, affirming to know him to abuse of his power or to bad intended actions, may have their account permanently banished.
Pretending to Have Influence on Gamemaster

Art. 1.o. We take no responsibility for thefts, that is,  thefts in case you lend a poke, trade it by mistake, catch service, or any other service when you depend on another player's trust.
We also take no responsibility for player's mistakes such as mistakenly throwing an item on the floor and another player picking it up.

Unique Paragraph: In the same sentence includes whoever posts links to Hacker programs, Cracks, BOT or illicit material. In addition, your data will be sent to Police Authority.

Art. 1.p. Because of the high costs of keeping the game online, people who contribute to the game development by making donations will have priority on support. If the donations are not enough for keeping the servers online, they may be turned off.

Art. 1.q. The prices of the items on the NPCs, rewards and quests may be changed at any time, without notice. Excessive complaint over the changes may result in banishment or account exclusion.

Art. 1.q.1 Accounts with banishment involving irregularities may be excluded. The same will  happen to accounts that take advantage of bugs and don't report them so the benefits that came from it can be removed. If the account that violated the rules (got banned or excluded) has made any donation, in no case the values will be redeemed.

Art. 1.q.2. Violation to other player's or staff member's privacy will not be permitted. All accounts involved with such violations will permanently banned and/or deleted. The violator may respond civilly or criminally to that.

Art. 1.q.3. When the report is bug related, the situation is passed to the programmer and put in a fixing list, there is no deadline for solving the bugs (if it is solvable). The maximum characters amount per account is 4, with more than that the account may be lost by a bug. Reports will be investigated in order of severity and the person who reported it will not be informed of the punition the other person will receive.

Art. 1.q.4. Images to help the report must be hosted on the web, the report must contain the situation description and the image link.


  • KS (Killing Steal), which means defeating the poke some other player is attacking. Remember the player does not own the poke, everyone has the right to attack them.
  • Respawn Invasion, which means hunting on the same place someone else is hunting. Remember the hunt spots, respawns, islands are not player's property. Every player has the right to hunt in every place.
  • To lure, which means bringing a wild poke near another player so it the poke can kill him, or disturb him is not considered illegal, after all the player has the chance to escape or even defeat the poke.
  • Push someone if not to make the player Block the passage.
  • The team will never take responsibility for player's private relations, lending, trading items, etc.
  • The team will never take responsibility for items left in houses.

Chapter 2
Public channles.
(Rules regarding messages and content on public channels)

Art. 2.a. The exposure of materials and pornographic websites, messages that hurt the Laws on the Nation (Drugs of any kind, alcohol, murder, suicide or induction to it, theft, robbery, traffic, embezzlement, smuggling, Nazism apology, preconception of any time, xenophobia, pedophilia, messages that urge racial, religious or sexual discrimination, being it against homosexuals, women, black or any group race or creed, etc.) as much as personal information exposure are expressly prohibited. All of it can result in player banishment.
Disregard the laws of the nation/Racism/Xenophobia/Apology to Nazism/Homophobia/Destructive Behavior

Art. 2.b. Sending unauthorized links is prohibited. It may result in definitive banishment.
Unauthorized Link

Art. 2.c. Only give information if you are sure and in case it's truth, players that send wrong information may get punished. Rumors may be treated like such.
Unauthorized Messages at Public Channel

Art. 2.d. Spamming may result in immediate banishment. Nonsense messages or similar messages sent in a shot time interval are considered SPAM.
SPAM/Unauthorized Messages at Public Channel

Art. 2.e. When answering any message, be polite, clear and avoid slangs. Never underestimate someone else only because he or she knows less. In case you think the question is too basic, that the author was not polite oir that the question were not related to the group theme, just don't answer it, save your time to answer messages that can be helpful. Additionally do not answer with "useless" expressions such as: "Give me!", "I don'tknow", "The same happened to me, I don't know what to do", etc.
Unauthorized Messages at Public Channel

Art. 2.f. It is prohibited to use the public channels for merchandising announcements unrelated to the game.
Illegal Announcement

Chapter 3
Help Channel
(Exclusive rules for the Help Channel)

Art. 3.a. Messages about buys, sales, trades, level up, drops and other kinds of message that are not related to doubts are forbidden on the Help Channel.
Unauthorized Messages at Public Channel

Art. 3.b. When asking a question, be polite and try to include all details that can be useful for those willing to help you. Remember that the other players don't only participate on the channel to answer your questions, but also to learn. Beyond asking questions, try to always contribute with something. The most respected and dear players are always the ones helping the mosrt.

Art. 3.c. Questions about drops, rates, quests, item prices from players must not be asked on the Help Channel, use the Game-Chat for that.
Unauthorized Messages at Public Channel

Art. 3.d. It is forbidden to use offensive words (bad words) in the Help Channel
Unauthorized Messages at Public Channel

Chapter 4
(Exclusive rules for the Game-Chat Channel)

Art. 4.a.  The Game-Chat is destined only to doubts, suggestions, chats and complaints, messages about sale and trade ar not allowed.
Unauthorized Messages at Public Channel

Chapter 5
Trade Channel
(Exclusive rules for the Trade Channel)

Art. 5.a. The Trade Channel is destined only to sales, trades, buys, announcements for forming teams to quests and service exchange. Questions, doubts, chats and complaints must not be made in this channel, for such, use the Game-Chat.
Unauthorized Messages at Public Channel

Chapter 6
Posts and Functions
(Definition of the functions of each post)

Art. 6.a. Any criticism or report against tutor or gamemasters must be done directly to the staff via email (, that will take the necessary actions.

Art. 6.b. Always when needed, the admins will take any drastic actions for keeping the good flowing of the game.

 Art. 6.c. No tutor, gamemaster or even someone on the staff is authorized to ask your game access password. Your password is personal and no even the administration will ask for it.

Art. 6.d. The tutor and/or gamemaster can ban the player, according to these principles, being held responsible for doing so, always reporting it to the game admins and keeping a Screenshot and saved chats of all the polemic actions taken for at least 30 days, so that he/she can justify his/her actions to the administration.

Art. 6.e. No tutor or gamemaster may require benefits for themselves for being tutor or game master. In case of abuses, report it to the game administration.

Chapter 7
(Rules regarding the application of penalties)

Art. 7.a. Any player who violates the rules will receive a notification that is recorded in the character information and can only be ascertained by Gamemasters and Administrators

Art. 7.b. If the player already has a registered warning and commits a new offense, he/she will receive a second one, when receiving a third one, he/she will be banished from the game. After a period of banishment, the system will release it automatically. If the player continues on committing offenses, he/she will receive another warning e be banished for a longer time, that is, the banishment period will be longer at every ban and on critical cases he/she may be permanently banished.

Chapter 8
Privacy Polocy

Art. 8.b. While you stay online in the game and browse our site, we will reap some information about your browsing, such as date of visit, IP address and browser type. These data are important for improving the site's features and statistical analyzes. The team has access to all lines and keystrokes. Logs are accessed daily and are owned by

Art. 8.c. Being committed to the privacy of information collected from its users, treatS them confidentially and employs proper safety procedures, so that they are strictly used for the purpose for which they were collected.

Art. 8.d. Under no circumstances will the sell, trade, rent or otherwise transfer to third parties private data of its members. Thus ensuring an ethical and transparent conduct of the integrity of the information of its members.

Art. 8.f. Modifications: reserves the right to change its privacy policy, if needed, but undertakes to disclose any change in the same space, as well as inactivate it as long as necessary to carry out any maintenance.

Name Rules
The Name Rules apply for all the characters (including pokes) and guilds.
The character names that violate the rules will be changed unilaterally and may result in character delectation, losing all items.
Once notified, if the character name is not changed within 24 hours, the character may br deleted from it's account and game. It is noteworthy that the maximum number of char per account is four, more than that may result in bug and account loss.
It is forbidden: Offensive names that insult, are racist, hast sexual content, drug-related or generic offenses.

Offensive Names:
  • Please make sure that your name does not offend other players. Names that contain any kind of insults such as "Denis Bitch" or "Carlos the Idiot" will not be tolerated.

Racist Names
  • is an international game that people play worldwide. Of course, racist names like "White Power", "White Men Eats Shit" or "Black Person" will never be tolerated.

Names with sexual content
  • is becoming a popular game amongst young people. With this, we seed leave any name that refers to sex or sexual orientation such as "Straight Man" or "Pornstar Fri" will not be tolerated. Names that include body parts related to sex such as "Nipple", "beastfeeder" or "Penis" are also not allowed. Similarly, celebrity names connected somehow wish sex are not dersirable. This includes for example pornographic artists, pimps and prostitutes.

Drug-Related Names
  • Names that explicitly relate to drugs and other illegal substances "Weedsmoker" or "Junkie" are undesirable and will be blocked. The same is true for names that refer to alcohol "Drunk Baby" or "Alcohol Lover" This rule also prohibits the use of traffickers famous names like "Pablo Escobar" and "George Young."

Harassing Names
  • Names created only with very intention to harass other players "Wheelchair Macin" or "Fat" or threaten others in real life "Beatyou Afterschool" and "Killyou Inrl" are illegal and will be removed and may also lead to greater punishment.

Other Cases
  • There are numerous other names that people may find offensive for a number of reasons. For example, the name of body fluids and excrement are offensive "Snot Eater" and "Like Feces" as well as names of diseases or disabilities "Ashtma" and "the Dean Mongolist" or references to organized crime "Mafia Godfather" and "drug trafficking" famous people names for committing a serious crime or inhumane actions are also prohibited, as serial killers "Charles Manson" and "Ted Bundy" or dictators "Hitler" and "Mussolini".

Names with invalid format that contains parts of sentences (except for guild names), bad formatting, or meaningless combination of letters.

Names that contain parts of sentence
  • Names that are phrases "Come to town" and "Dan Is Cool" are not allowed in The same applies to incomplete sentences "Witches kill the" and "Lets Sing When" and also the names containing exclamations or greetings "Oh My God" and "Hello Man".

Names that contain malformed words
  • Our name creation system forces some rules to prevent malformed names. For example, names must begin with capital letters, special characters and numbers are illegal, etc. Names that can be created even if illegal, due to poor formatting, include lack of spaces "Dinhothemaster" and "Ballsofglory" or misplaced spaces "Din Hothema Ster" and "Ballso Fglory".

Names that advertise game-unrelated content
  • The game is not a platform for exchanges involving advertising content that has nothing to do with Consequently, names that imply such exchanges are prohibited "Potions Seller" and "Trading Tentacruel".

Names that announce trades for real money
  • The names in can not contain ads that imply the sale of game items for real money "Dollar for Pokes." In general any name that advertises exchanges involving real money are prohibited "VIP Seller".

Inappropriate names that express political or religious views, or do not fit in the fantasy environment.
Names that express political or religious views
  • is a game in which political views or religious should not matter. For this reason names that refer to a specific religion "Buddhist Trainer", "Jewish the catcher", a person linked to a specific religion "Peter Vishnu", "Juan el Musulmanes" or a position that only exists in a specific religion "Pontiff Claude"," "Esther the Rabbi" are illegal. In addition, name to express political views "Democrat," "Roy the Anarchist" or referring to internationally known politicians ("Lord Barack Obama," "Lady Dilma Rousseff") are not allowed.

Names inciting Name Rules Violation that advocate for, incite, announce or imply to the violation of rules.
Names that advocate for or incite the rules violation:
  • Obviously, all names advocating for infringement of the rules "Lover of Ofenses" and "Wannabe Hacker" or incite it's violation "Spam Maker" are illegal and may lead to additional punishment.

Names that advertise or imply on the game's rules violation
  • Names that clearly imply breaking the rules of the game "Sellmyacc", "Julie Anti Idle" will not only receive a namelock, but can also receive an additional punishment. The same applies to names which obviously try to go through an official position "Admin of Blue," "God Pokemon". A simple quote will also be considered illegal "Macrohater", "Spamshunter".